The Player Who Puts Order on the Court

The libero is an isolated position that is essential to every volleyball team.

Jared DeBoer

More stories from Jared DeBoer

In volleyball, the team’s goal is to make sure they look and perform as one cohesive unit, one position that stands out from the rest is the libero. They are required to wear the opposite color uniform than all the other players on their team.

The libero is a very important position on a volleyball team, they are classified as a defensive specialist and have to have near perfect skills in order to play the position. They are not allowed to attack the ball while it is above net height. They also can not spike the ball or anything that requires an up front offensive play, but they are still a position that a team needs to perform at a high level.

“Being the libero is not as different as everyone thinks,” junior Ryan Glassman said. “Just because the uniform color is the opposite of the team people assume that it’s a weird position.”

The libero may not be able to do some of the things that the hitters do, but they still can hit the ball over the net. The libero may also serve the ball when replacing another player.

The libero is often shorter than the rest of the team because they do not need to be able to spike the ball over the net. It is also harder for taller players to dive and get low to the ground fast which is why being short as a libero is an advantage, yet not all liberos are short.

A libero is a key position to any great volleyball team. They are defensive specialists who can greatly impact the end result of a game.