Varsity Baseball Profile: Patrick Day

Matthew Soberano

More stories from Matthew Soberano

History of Dance
January 30, 2020

Patrick Day is a senior varsity baseball player at Antioch Community High School. He started playing at a young age and fell in love with the sport. He is a great role model for the underclassmen as well as being a hard worker and in practice to become the best person he can be in and outside of baseball.

The underclassmen baseball players are very happy to have him on the team as well as having him help out with the team. He works very hard in practice and loves working with the team in the sport as well as in school.

Patrick plays baseball outside of school as well; when the school season is not currently going on he plays for the triple play crush and loves working on his skills in his freetime. He is very close with his teammates and feels very fortunate to be with the team.

“The best times are when the team can celebrate as a whole, whether it’s a win against Lakes or a regional game or something; whenever we celebrate we always feel like a family,” Day said. “There is some disagreement because no team is perfect, but for the most part we all get along and feel really close.”

In the future, Day plans to fulfill his dreams through hard work and dedication. In the upcoming years, Day will be playing Division Three baseball for Illinois Institute of Technology College and may have even bigger plans further into the future.

“I’ve been playing baseball since I was around four or five years old. Most of the guys I play with I’ve known for a really long time so we all have a very strong bond that is unbreakable,” Day said.” I love playing for ACHS because these are most of the guys I’ve been playing with for my entire life so it’s nice to see how we’ve grown up and matured over the years.”

Day is looking forward to catching up with all of his teammates this spring and having a positive and supportive environment with the team. This season is going to be filled with even more memories for Day to look forward to especially because it is his last year at ACHS. As a senior, it’s his job as an upperclassman to show and lead the younger athletes in his last year as a Sequoit.