10 Things You Need to Know for Monday, April 17

Grease performances begin Thursday, April 20 and go through Sunday, April 23 in the ACHS auditorium.
North Korea Threatens U.S.
In an effort to ensure protection and deter future violence, the United States began to grow tense over North Korea’s increased missile use. Striving to uphold a non-nuclear atmosphere around the world, the US and its allies threatened intervention if North Korea continued. In response, North Korea stated they would continue missile tests and engage in war of the US interfered.
Prom Ticket Sales Begin
Ticket sales for the “Night Under the Moon and Stars” are as follows:
Saturday, April 22nd, from 9 am – 12 noon for $90.00 each.
Monday, April 24th, from 7:30 – 8:45 am for $100.00 each.
Tuesday April 25th, from 2:55 – 4:00 pm for $100.00 each.
Wednesday, April 26th, from 2:55 – 4:00 pm for $100.00 each.
The Spring Musical is Here
Show week is here for the spring musical, Grease! . Buy tickets online Here or purchase at the door. The production opens on Thursday at 7 p.m., and continues Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Senior Exemption Options
Seniors who are interested in exempting from finals need to have the exemption form signed by their desired teacher and turned in by May 2. The form along with a detailed list of requirements were seeing the to students via email.
2017 Band Festival
The annual District Band Festival will be taking place this year on Wednesday, April 19. Hosted by LCHS, the performance will include high school, middle school, and elementary instrumentalists.
Scholastic Bowl Wins in State
The ACHS Scholastic Bowl Team made a striking 1st place win in the online Questions Unlimited 3-2-1 tournament for the state of Illinois. They also placed 48th in the nation and are looking forward to more tournaments in the future.
Prom King,Queen Nominations Wind Down
Nominations for this year’s Prom King and Queen are open for Juniors until the end of the day on Wednesday, April 19th. Visit the library to fill out a nomination form.
AWC Art Festival is Underway
The fine arts department is hosting an art fair in the auxiliary gym on Friday, April 21 from 7-9 p.m. Join in on the event to see fellow Sequoits’ art and visit with guest artists and speakers.
Boy’s Track And Field Championship
The boys track and field performed well at the Leyden Invitation on Thursday, April 13. Sequoit winners include Quinn Landl in the high jump, Kevin Vettese in the 3200, Landon Keefover in the 110 meter high hurdles, Patrick Schoenfelder in the 300 meter hurdles, and William Becker in the 400 meter dash.
This week’s wear out Wednesday theme is “Dress like a Senior Day”. Come to school with your best senior citizen impression!