2016 Gala Enchants Attendees

2016 Gala Enchants Attendees

After years of presenting Holiday Lights and Holiday Cafe performances in December, the fine arts department made a significant change this year by hosting it as a Holiday Gala at Maravela’s in Fox Lake. With its large turnout on Friday, December 2, attendees received a full course meal and dined with family and friends while enjoying music and theatre from students in the fine arts.

“It was successful compared to years in the past because it was organized,” senior Kar Toman said. “[The department] raised a lot more money and a wide variety of people came out to the show.”

The two hour event also featured an auction and sales of the music teachers’ newly released Christmas CD, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” in order to raise money for the fine arts.

“This was one of our most successful performances,” choir director Trey Hickey said. “We raised over 5,500 dollars and are thankful for those who participated.”