Donald Trump Rallies Conservative Supporters

    GOP frontrunner visits Liberty University, appeals to Christian base.

    On Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, Republican presidential candidate and businessman Donald Trump took on a crowd as he spoke at Liberty University, the largest Christian college in the world. The nondenominational Christian university in Lynchburg, Virginia, hosted Trump as a speaker for one of their mandatory convocation events, which occur three days a week.

    Drawing applause throughout his speech, Trump spoke about Christianity “under siege,” promising to allow the phrase “Merry Christmas” to not be covered up by the politically correct “Happy Holidays”.

    Ben Carson and Ted Cruz supporters in the audience admitted to allying with the popular Trump, especially over Democratic candidates. Although it is unknown whether Trump is the true Presbyterian he claims to be, he was well-received at Liberty with his speech concerning issues in America and his goal to “make America great again.”