Model U.N. Shines at Northwestern
Delegates from Antioch’s Model United Nations represented the school in mock simulations of serious world problems.

Several students from the Model U.N. club at ACHS participated in a 2-day competition event at Northwestern university on November 18 and 19.
Over the past weekend, the ACHS Model United Nations club headed down to Northwestern University to participate in the Model Arab League, a simulation of real world issues, debate and resolutions with schools from across the area. Leaving their mark on the conference when combined with other northern Chicago schools, Sequoits participated in the competition with awards given to several.
Model UN is a group where students can represent countries, officials or various real life characters in simulations to address world problems. This year, the conference was held at Northwestern University in Evanston, which was a change from previous years as they were generally hosted at one of the Chicago public schools in the past. Social Studies teacher and Model U.N. advisor Amy Skonberg said that the change in location was extremely beneficial.
“It was really awesome being on the Northwestern campus for a variety of reasons,” Skonberg said. “The campus is on the lake shore and has a really nice environment, but I also think it is nice to take the students to as many campuses as we can while they are still in high school.”
Roughly five schools represented their delegates over the weekend, ranging in groups of all different sizes. The students participated on four different committees and represented multiple countries at the event. The annual competition is hosted by the National Council of US Arab Relations to show different aspects of world issues and incorporate student leaders into more leadership and real life roles.
Sequoits replied first in the simulation, making sure to choose Saudi Arabia as their country. During the conference, the students also chose Tunisia, the only functioning democracy within the Arab league.
“It was nice to be able to represent a democracy and to be able to have the moral high ground on that,” Skonberg said.
After the delegations wrapped up, awards were announced and two of Antioch’s delegates were chosen for the double delegation award: seniors Gabi Kalisz and Jack Connelly. Both students took the awards for Outstanding Delegates of the weekend, showing their hard work put in to representing Saudi Arabia’s political committee.
Overall, the students performed well as a team and representatives of ACHS and look forward to future competition events.
“This is my second conference,” Katelyn Murphy said. “I found it really interesting and I feel like I learned a lot about the Arab world, which is a really popular topic with what is currently happening in Syria.”