New Policies Implemented in Wake of Florida Shooting

Students and parents should expect new pick-up and drop-off routes, as well as updated policies about identification.

Lauren Bluthardt

More stories from Lauren Bluthardt

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After being a week removed from the “new Valentines Day massacre” where 17 students were shot and killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Principal Eric Hamilton released an email to parents and guardians acknowledging new school policies to increase student safety. According to Hamilton, starting this upcoming Monday, February 26, all student drop off and pick up will be rerouted only to the back of the building before and after school.

Along with blocking off the circle in the morning, any visitors to Antioch Community High School will be required to wear a lanyard with an ID. According to the email, the new policies also include:

  • “In the morning, please drop off your student(s) in the back/athletic entrance.
  •  After school, please pick up your student(s) at the back/athletic entrance.
  •  At this entrance, we will have security guards present to ensure the safety of your students.
  •  The main entrance will still be used as an entrance for visitors and students arriving late to school.
  •  Upon arrival at the school, all visitors will be required to check into the main office and receive a visitor lanyard.”

Also implemented on February 26 will be new student ID regulations. All students at ACHS will be required to have their ID in their possession at all times. Additionally, the students need to have their ID in order to purchase a lunch. Lunch passes will not be handed out anymore. Any students without an ID will have to purchase a new one for $5.00 in the Attendance Office. The ID costs can be charged to student’s fees or paid with cash.