What’s Not Written On The Box

Simple tricks that will leave your tastebuds never feeling better.

Gianna Chiappetta

More stories from Gianna Chiappetta

Let’s face it, the instructions on a box of Kraft Mac ‘N’ Cheese do not give exact directions on how to make the simple boxed dinner. They give little instruction and even if followed exactly, the food still tastes a little odd. Well, there is no need to question what is missing anymore. Here are some simple tips to make your macaroni and cheese excellent every time!


For a soupy taste- add more milk. The more milk you add will make the cheese into a thin sauce causing the flavor to be left at the bottom of the bowl.


For a savory sensation- bring on the butter! The more butter, the better and more savory the macaroni and cheese .


For a healthier option- do not pour in all the cheese, add little to no butter and make the main ingredient the milk.


To avoid flimsy or soggy noodles- cook the pasta less than seven minutes. Even if it’s al dente– kind of hard kind of not– when you drain the pasta mixing in the butter, cheese and milk will make the pasta cook a little more.


“My personal favorite when making macaroni and cheese is to spice it up a little with some pepper,” junior Michael Volkmar said. “My little sister and I are always found eating this quick meal with this twist after school.”


If you are fed up with your macaroni and cheese always missing that one thing then try out some of the aforementioned tips to bring some variation to your next meal.