New Clinical Trial Program Founded

A family donated to a foundation in tribute of their son.


A Minnesota family donated $1.25 million dollars to the Be The March Foundation. This money will be used to help cancer patients and their families to afford clinical trials. Be The March is a non-profit ran out of Minneapolis that is partnered with the National Marrow Donor Program.

The money was donated in honor of their son, Jason Carter, who died in May of 2016 after a four year long fight against leukemia. During his fight he encountered intensive treatment, including chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. His treatment was successful at first and sent Carter into a year of remission. However, Carter’s cancer returned in the beginning of 2014.  

Carter’s cancer developed an unknown mutation, and his family was directed to a national directory. Carter required an additional transplant, which made his recovery difficult. On May 13, 2016, Carter died in the comfort of his home surrounded by family.

“I think that it is good of people to donate to others in need.” senior Alexa Jimenez said. “I believe if you are able to help another person you should. I would definitely donate to cancer or any other cause one day when I am financially stable.”

The donation was named after Carter as the Jason Carter Clinical Trials Program. This allows patients aid in finding clinical trials.
“Be The Match will use the provided funds to create and promote The Jason Carter Clinical Trials Program, which will help blood cancer patients identify and enroll in clinical trials more efficiently.” said.