What Is Your Stance On Feminism?

Free speech


Jordan Staten, Tom Tom Staff

I would consider myself a feminist because I support the idea of equality in both genders and I would love to see women continue to change the world as they have already proven that they can.

Kaitlyn Koski, Senior

I think being a little feminist is good with the way girls are treated in our society. I think every girl should have a sense of pride for themselves and fellow girls because no one should be able to tell them they aren’t as good as boys. But it shouldn’t get to ridiculous levels where you just despise men.

Griffin Hill, Junior

I believe that gender doesn’t and shouldn’t be separated as in a man is no better than a woman and that women are no better than men. Yes, there are jobs that people view as more manly such as construction work and more hands on jobs, but I believe that a woman can do those jobs as well if she wanted to. For relationships, I know that some feminists think that by a guy opening a door for them or paying for the dinner bill is belittling them. I do not believe that they are belittling you, that it is out of respect and courtesy.

Amanda England, Junior

A feminist is a person who believes in the equality of the sexes, which is an idea that I support. So I consider myself to be a feminist.

Riley Beckett, Senior