Meet at the Mats

The Sequoit wrestling team took on the Grant Bulldogs over the weekend.

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Julia Murillo

Nico Fier begins his match at 170 against Grant.

The boys wrestling team prepared all week long for their second conference meet away at Grant. As they prepared mentally for their competition ahead of them, they had hoped to come out successful.

Within a week of work, junior Nico Garcia had focused on fixing the little mistakes in his techniques; being able to minimize them would allow for more improvement in each match.

“Mistakes are habits to me and, as everyone knows, habits are hard to break,” Garcia said. “The ultimate goal is to get better with every match.”

With a tough start for the Sequoits, junior Mikey Volkmar was the first to get a win for the team which kicked the boys into gear. Garcia, with the second win of the night, made the score 13-6 with the Sequoits still trailing.

However, even though the quality of matches improved for the Sequoits, the few wins following Volkmar and Garcia’s were not enough to allow the Sequoits to beat the Bulldogs. The boys ultimately fell short with a score of 33-18. As they move forward in the season, their goal continues to be improving themselves with each match.