Movie Review: “Grease” is the Word

Look into the movie “Grease” before ACHS performs the stage version this April.

On June 16, 1978, John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John opened the world up to their heartthrob love affair, but not everyone fell in love with this classic production as time went on. Some of ACHS’s students had concerns about the foul humor, emphasis on promiscuous morals, and some of the plot.

As far as songs are concerned, the “Grease” album is a favorite among many. Juniors Charles Wagner and Emily Palmer have their own critiques.

My favorite part about Grease is the songs,” Wagner said. “The songs in Grease are really fun and poppy and all around, just awesome songs to sing.”

“Mooning” is Wagner’s favorite, but he thinks all of the songs are great.

For Palmer, “There Are Worse Things I Can Do” is a favorite because the audience gets to see the more emotional and human side of Rizzo.

“The worst part is at the drive in, when Danny is singing,” Palmer said. “Still a great part, it’s just my least favorite.”

The actors in this film were phenomenal in the eyes of many. John Travolta is the best,” Jesse Tamez said.  

However, some parts of the plot are confusing. “Are they hallucinating or is the car really flying?” Tamez said.

Junior Mikaela Jordon, however, loves the funny themes throughout the plot, no matter how cheesy they are. “I love the subtle humor throughout,” Jordon said. “I like how unless you really pay attention, you miss it.”

But, with praise comes doubt. Sophomore Emily Gardner disliked Grease.

Its morals are not ones I would like to see,” Gardner said. “It shows that girls have to change to get the guy, and Danny is a jerk with his friends and is ashamed to be seen with Sandy.” Gardner goes on to explain that Sandy lets lust cloud out her morals and pursues an unhealthy relationship that is praised throughout the film. Even so, the fast paced film is very entertaining, according to Gardner. “The film glorifies peer pressure, sex, and drugs, and the film’s main message is that being a good girl with good values is boring,” Gardner said. “It tells teenagers that in order to have their happy ever after, you have to not care about the things that corrupt you as long as you feel popular.”
Overall, Grease seemed to be a hit among the students of ACHS. For more movie reviews, click here.