ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: The Junior With The Best Tee
More stories from Julia Murillo

Junior Samantha Brown is a three-sport athlete. A dedicated, high achieving student who is able to manage her time with sports, school and family. Maintaining a positive attitude at all times, she truly is an outstanding student athlete. Brown was also named athlete of the month this September for her accomplishments and dedication to the team.
As a player, Brown dedicates all her achievements to her grandfather. She’s very thankful to have him by her side since day one to teach her the basic skills and encouraging her to stick with golf. At Antioch Community High School, Brown was able to qualify for sectionals and hopes to go even further in the next two seasons. Brown was also invited to play for the Lake County Junior Golf Association.
Brown, while being very honored to have had her grandfather as a role model her whole life, also looks up to Rickie Fowler. Fowler is currently the number one ranked professional golfer in the world. Brown enjoys being able to watch him and learn from his techniques.
As an individual player and as a teammate, Brown is always someone that is willing to give it her all every second of every match. She will go miles to improve herself, even if it is simply making sure she has good wrist control when swinging. There are, however, many other techniques that Brown has picked up over her career that have been very beneficial to her game.
“Having patience, confidence in yourself and having a positive attitude,” Brown said.
These are just a few of the qualities that make her the type of golfer she is.
Brown is someone that the whole team can turn to for advice on and off the course. She is able to make the matches fun while making sure everyone is on task and prepared to give their all in the match.
“She always makes sure we’re trying our hardest and without her we wouldn’t practice as hard as we do,” sophomore Emily Pedersen said.
As a teammate, Brown knows that her best can always help lead the team to victory, but without the support of her team and their hard work, the team would not be as successful as they have been.
“She’ll do anything to help keep people’s spirits up because it helps us all do better,” senior Taylor Comer said.
Brown’s teammates could not be more thankful that they have been able play with her, learn from her and even make memories that will carry on for years. They could not imagine not having her there to help them to a victory or just to make practices that much better.
With this being Brown’s’ third season on the golf team, her final few seasons approach. She hopes to play at the collegiate level one day, but is accepting of just being able to continue to play with family, friends and her grandfather. Brown is very appreciative of her grandfather being the one to introduce her to the sport she now loves just as much as he does.
As this season comes to an end, Brown expects nothing less than being able to say she had a great season and improved herself. Brown has a great future ahead of her with her last couple years at Antioch and her potential collegiate experiences to come.