10 shoes that should have never existed
Throughout recent years, there have been shoes that some people love and some hate. Out of many shoes, which are truly the worst?
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Knock knock, it is time for the Boston Birkenstock
The Boston Birkenstocks have garnered a great amount of popularity in the past year, but is the German shoe worth the price or overrated?
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What’s With the New Chaco Trend?
The new Chaco sandal trend gives new footwear options for many interested teens.
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The Birkenstock Craze Sweeps Antioch
German leather sandals become a Spring fashion favorite.
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Converse in Style
Converse; a brand that believes that unleashing creative spirit can change the world.
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Has "Damn Daniel" created a new fascination with Vans-brand shoes?
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Shoes for Africa
A two-week long shoe drive begins Sept. 22 to help people of underprivileged nations.
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