What’s In Your Bag: Field Hockey

Senior Mikayla Holway explains the importance of the items in her bag.


Robbie Hulting

Senior Mikayla Holway shows the contents of her field hockey bag.

The fall sports have commenced and Antioch Community High School is excited for what this season has to offer. Field hockey is one of the more anticipated fall sports and senior Mikayla Holway is eager to show the school what she has in store. However, there are a few things that she needs before she can step out onto the field. 

“I use all the typical things that you would find in any of our bags: cleats, a stick, extra jerseys, shin guards, goggles and two mouth guards,” Holway said. 

Most sports have necessary gear and equipment to play, and field hockey is no exception. There are also some personal items that Holway keeps in her bag to benefit herself while she’s on the field.

“Other items that I have in my bag are: bandaids, extra socks, snacks, electrical tape for my shin guards, pre-wrap, vapor rub, a windbreaker, as well as a note card from my mom wishing me good luck that she wrote my freshman year,” Holway said. 

Each item in her bag plays an important role to Holway as a field hockey player, but some items in her bag are more important than others.

“I’m not allowed to play if I don’t bring my cleats, stick, shin guards, face mask and mouth guard,” Holway said. “Some things that are essential to me personally are my windbreaker because I am always cold. I also tend to get hungry so snacks are also important.”

Whatever the sport may be, packing these beneficial items is a necessity for athletes to perform at their highest potential. The things that they pack can all be very different, even from teammate to teammate. However, each item that they pack all serve an important purpose to the athlete.